Sunday, November 4, 2007

Miss all of you ......My Team Members

It has been 2 months plus working in new company. Feel lonely. Althought i have new colleagues here but the feeling is much much different from the time i first joined to Avago. Maybe i don't find my group here yet. And i afraid i won't find it here for the time being.
Hey, team member, how are you? I am not that good here. Miss you all much. Miss our lunch times at canteen, miss the Ipoh trip, miss the complaints, miss the jokes, miss the frustration we felt together, miss my laptop....... miss ....... miss ...............
Don't forget me no matter how. Please don't exclude me for any gathering info. True friends not easy to find. Althought you all know i am very busy with my hard work, do drop me email or IM me for any invitation. I appreciate that.
Feel regret last time didn't express well my feeling to you all thru action when i was at Avago. Now, i can only write in regret......
But, i know you all will forgive me. As WE ARE TRUE FRIENDS!!
HY - Happy Wedding
PS - Don't work too hard
LI - Don't too cakap banyak, but sometimes really miss your voice, hee..hee...
SW - Find a better job
LC - Wish you good luck in your life
CI - Happy Pak Tor
BA - You can work as part time professional photographer....really

給懂 〝珍惜〞的人

1. 遇到你真的愛的人時… 要努力爭取和他相伴一生的機會 …!
因為當他離去時 …一切都來不及了 ……!

2. 遇到可相信的朋友時… 要好好和他相處下去……
因為在人的一生中 …可遇到知己真的不易 … !

3. 遇到人生中的貴人時… 要記得好好感激 …
因為他是你人生的轉折點 …!

4. 遇到曾經愛過的人… 記得微笑向他感激…
因為他是讓你更懂愛的人 …!

5. 遇到曾經恨過的人時… 要微笑向他打招呼 …
因為他讓你更加堅強 …!

6. 遇到曾經背叛你的人時… 要跟他好好聊一聊 …
因為若不是他 ……今天你不會懂這世界 … !

7. 遇到曾經偷偷喜歡的人時… 要祝他幸福唷 …!
因為你喜歡他時 …不是希望他幸福快樂嗎?

8. 遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時… 要謝謝他走過你的人生 …
因為他是你精采回憶的一部分 …!

9. 遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時… 要趁現在解清誤會 …
因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚 …!

10. 遇到現在和相伴一生的人… 要百分百感謝他愛你 …
因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛 …

【人生】 仇人 與 恩人

要知道, 【敵人、仇人】…
都可以 【激發】你的 【潛能】,成為你的【貴人】。
你更要知道,這世間最好的 『報復』,就是運用那股不平之氣,
使自己邁向成功,以那成功和 【成功之後的胸懷】,
當 『冤冤相報何時了』的 【雙輸】 ,
能成為 【相逢一笑泯恩仇】的 【雙贏】 。

说 & 听的艺术


启示: 这篇短文最近一直在网络上流传,虽然标题是“说话的温度”,但事实上他一直在提醒我们:小心说话而且要“说好话”,话说出口之前先思考一下,不要莽莽撞撞的脱口而出。事情再怎么急迫,也要清楚的让大家知道问题以及来龙去脉,但往往是越急越说不清楚,反而耽误了时间。

美国知名主持人林克莱特一天访问一名小朋友,问他说: “你长大后想要当甚么呀?”小朋友天真的回答:“嗯…我要当飞机的驾驶员!”林克莱特接着问: “如果有一天,你的飞机飞到太平洋上空所有引擎都熄火了,你会怎么办?”小朋友想了想:“我会先告诉坐在飞机上的人绑好安全带,然后我挂上我的降落伞跳出去。”当在现场的观众笑的东倒西歪时,林克莱特继续着注视这孩子,想看他是不是自作聪明的家伙。没想到,接着孩子的两行热泪夺眶而出,这才使的林克莱特发觉这孩子的悲悯之情远非笔墨所能形容。于是林克莱特问他说:“为甚么要这么做?”小孩的答案透露出一个孩子真挚的想法: “我要去拿燃料,我还要回来!!

启示: 你听到别人说话时......你真的听懂他说的意思吗?你懂吗?如果不懂,就请听别人说完吧,这就是“听的艺术”:
1. 听话不要听一半。
2. 不要把自己的意思,投射到别人所说的话上头。

Saturday, November 3, 2007






活出自己的生 命

學習為所失去的感恩,也接納失去的事實,不管人生的得與失,總是要讓 自已的生命充滿了亮麗與光彩,不再為過去掉淚,努力的活出自己的生 命。

My sweet sweet wedding photo

Miss you............Jass

Today is my plan to start a new lifestyle, that is jogging in the morning to gain back my health which i have lost throughout years due to hard work.
I have promised to my student (Jass), my friends and even myself to make a change. But..... i failed to realise it due to company system migration. I have to back to work. Haizz.......

This morning, like normal i wake up at 7.30am, thinking of what to wear, what to eat.....and be prepare to go to Jass house. Ooppsss..... suddenly, my mind just called up today is 4th NOV 2007......NOV more tuition!! It has been part of my life for 8 years i used to wake up early on Sunday not for exercises but tuition. Still remember, when i wake up late and rush to Jass house without taking any breakfast, i will definitely serve with bihun soup cooked by Jass's mother. Sometimes, even i have already taken breakfast, there is light snacks and beverage for me to enjoy too. And i still remember the egg tatt bought by Jass's father. It's really touched my heart as they treated me like part of their family members not just as tutor. Thanks a lot , Jass!! You and your family make me feel and know what is a real family looks like.

From today onwards, no more tuition on Sunday morning, like Jass say. The only reason wake up early in the morning is to jog. Miss the pass 8 years Sunday lifestyle suddenly ................

Miss you Jass ........ and take care ............ when you are ........... where you are .............

Miss Yeoh